
Monday, January 23

no name

venku je taková zima, že v čepici a šále vypadám jako terorista. vytvářím si mikroklima funěním do šály a zorné pole mám velmi zúžené.
nač se přetvařovat, ta zima mě prostě sere. a tak mi nezbývá než se nechat inspirovat levandulovou aroma lampou. a neučím se.

the waves rise against the shorelines
they rise and fall on you
it's lavender smell in the air
it's lavender
it's june

somewhere between the morning and the night
the light being split by the light
a little sweet unheard tune
the soft lavender june

leaning against thousand little stones
blinded by the sun, blinded by the moon
is it a memory?
is it still june?
the light breaks
love seems out of tune

one more memory
soft as thorn
the lavender calls
wherever we go

always parted
always true
every lavender
every june

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